Church Blog

Church Blog

Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor, I am writing to you as a concerned Haitian-American physician, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and author of “Out of Quisqueya: From Trials in Haiti to Triumphs in America.” I have become aware of a deeply troubling situation in Springfield, Ohio, where the local Haitian community is being falsely accused of engaging in the reprehensible act of consuming residents’ pets. These allegations are not only entirely slanderous and false but also deeply harmful to the Haitian community. As you…

The Power of Forgiveness

How many times a loved one has hurt you? How many times a coworker has made you feel bad? How many times someone you sacrificed for has hurt you and will continue to hurt you if allowed? How many times someone had lied about you and made you feel insignificant?  How many times? How many times? And the answer will be just as often.  But did you also know that you need to forgive these wrongdoers? You may say, Dr.…

Being the Best isn’t about Beating the Competition

Once upon a time, a young boy named Jack lived in a small village at the foot of a mountain. Jack was an ordinary boy, but he had a burning desire to be the best he could be. He wanted to be the strongest, fastest, and most skilled person in his village. Jack spent every waking moment training and practicing. He would wake up early every morning and run up and down the mountain, trying to build his endurance. Then,…

Don’t Proselytize, but instead Live like Christ

“Don’t proselytize, but instead live like Christ” is a powerful statement that encapsulates a fundamental aspect of Christian teachings. While it’s important to share one’s faith with others, forcing or pressuring others to convert can be counterproductive and may even drive people away from Christianity. Matthew 7:16,” By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? “ Living like Christ, on the other hand, means embodying his values of love, compassion, humility, and…

The Wisdom of God and Human Frailty

1 Corinthians 2:1-16 is a passage in which the Apostle Paul emphasizes the importance of relying on the power of the Holy Spirit in the proclamation and understanding of the Gospel. In the opening verses, Paul reminds the Corinthians that when he came to them, he did not come with “eloquence or human wisdom,” but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power. Paul recognizes the limitations of human wisdom and skillful oratory in conveying the message of the Gospel and…
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